Friday 29 November 2013

How Has Technology Revolutionized The Way We Teach Kids?

Gone are the days when studying in a classroom meant sitting in chair, staring at a chalkboard, listening to the teacher go on and on about how a math problem is to be attempted, and thinking to yourself – what is she talking about? Today, a teacher can make their class much more interesting and their lectures equally attention grabbing by taking leverage of all the technology that they have at their disposal. Making Grade1 pupils Learn algebra has never been easier.

Friday 22 November 2013

What is The Role of Addition And Subtraction in Grade2 Math?

Grade2 mathematics focuses on four main aspects – it aims to increase the understanding of the base ten notation system among students, make them fluent in addition and subtraction operations, train them to use standard units to express quantities and teach them to describe and analyze shapes. It is more important than ever to inculcate in students the stamina of basic Math Practice, because the aims described above all require students to be familiar with the elementary math operations.


Thursday 21 November 2013

How to Teach Algebra to First Graders?

The name of algebra is enough to frighten any pupil, even those in high schools. It is a fundamental branch of mathematics that is deeply intertwined with the others such as trigonometry, statistics and calculus. But for all its importance in mathematics, it is extremely tough to grasp for most students. The reason behind the difficulty that most students feel when they have to deal with advanced concepts in this subject is the dearth of basic understanding. It is imperative that students Learn basic concepts of this subject in Grade1 so that their minds are ready for the advanced techniques that are taught to them in later classes. When kids are taught about the basics of this subject from the start, they’re minds become accustomed to logical problem solving and hence they are better able to deal with their studies as they get tougher with each progressive grade. There are many ways by which young pupils can be taught the essentials of this course.