Saturday 14 December 2013

How to Create a Cool Worksheet for Grade3 Math Pupils?

Worksheets are a great way to test the proficiency of your class in a particular topic of a subject. They can be used to evaluate the skills of the students in terms of their ability to solve unforeseen questions in a limited amount of time. This kind of test is necessary for Grade3 students who have been newly introduced to the concepts of multiply and division, and need to be constantly tested and tempered in order for them to become adept in these two mathematical techniques which will be an integral part of the mathematics they study from that point on. These young students need to be reminded constantly of the concepts of multiplication and divide if they are to retain them and achieve a hand to mind coordination of attempting these problems. The easiest way to do this is to provide each student with a Worksheet in class from time to time. The problem with this technique occurs as the work sheets start to get monotonous and dreary so that the students begin to lose interest in them and so the purpose for which they were distributed is no longer served.

The simplest way to deal with this problem is to make the worksheet more vivid and eye catching. This isn’t all about using colors and pretty pictures - although a moderate use of those helps too – it’s about the way the questions are illustrated and presented. For example, a Grade3 student who is asked to Multiply two numbers repeatedly will get bored by the unchanging nature of the work sheet. On the other hand a student who is asked those same multiplication problems but this time linked to real world applications will find the work sheet much more engaging. Teachers can include problems such as finding the total value of a given number of a specific denomination of a dollar bill or the division of a box of sweets among a given number of friends. Problems such as these are much easier for the students to visualize in their heads compared to abstract calculations on numbers.

Essentially, they will be doing the same thing as before, only this time, it will be in a manner that is more fun and challenging at the same time. Another benefit of this approach is that the pupils will indirectly Learn to solve common real world problems in their math class; this mental practice will boost their intelligence quotient and help them in practical life. If you want to make things even more interesting and fun, you can let your students have a go at e-worksheets, which are computer based tests that incorporate sound and video illustrations in them. There is no better way than this for Grade3 students to glean understanding of the concepts of multiply and Division. They will actually be able to see what the teacher is trying to convey to them in the class, without even having to visualize it mentally.

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